Job Opportunities

Cadena has a strong reputation for being a reliable consulting company. On average we have 40-60 experts working in the field. While we are also part of the EU Framework Contract Lot 4 (Human Development and Safety Net) we are often looking for a wide variety of expertise for countries all over the world. These vacancies, as well as those for other tenders and projects are published below. If you are interested in one of the below job opportunities, you can send an email to, including the indicated reference number of the job opportunity and enclose your resume in the recommended CV format.


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This assignment is part of the World Bank funded Ghana Jobs and Skills Project (GJSP). For the “Consultancy Services for the Development of Competency-based Training Packages for Twenty-three (23) Trades,” Cadena is immediately looking for a Ghanaian Team Leader (i.e. Lead Consultant) with the following qualifications and skills:
  • Master’s degree in a TVET related discipline; a higher degree in curriculum development would be an advantage
  • At least fifteen (15) years of experience working in TVET, five (5) years of which must be within the sub-region.
  • Specific experience in CBT programme development, CBT assessment, and quality assurance
  • Experience with working conditions in the West African region and countries across Africa, preferably in the same sector
  • Proven knowledge of the TVET sector of Ghana
  • Proven experience in ICT applications
  • Proven technical and managerial skills
  • Fluency in at least two 2 local Ghanaian languages
  Indicative starting date of the assignment: May 2023 For more information about this assignment you can download the ToR here: TOR Ghana CBET Interested experts are kindly requested to contact us and submit their CV at , before Wednesday 1st of March and preferably in the following format: WB CV format    

Job Features

Job CategoryExpired

This assignment is part of the World Bank funded Ghana Jobs and Skills Project (GJSP). For the “Consultancy Services for the Development of Competency-based Training Packages for Twenty-three (23) T...

For the Lot 4 EU Framework Contract, Cadena is immediately looking for Education specialists for the following mission: “T/A Identification MIP Education Programmes” - analysis, formulation and management of regional education and skills development programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa - The global objective of this assignment is to support INTPA A2 with the analysis, formulation and management of EU regional cooperation projects and programmes in the field of education and skills in partner countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), funded under the regional MIP 2021-2027. The Key Experts may work home-based and must be able to take up their duties no later than 1st February 2023. The contract will have a duration of 24 months. The Higher education specialist will work full-time, while the Education specialist will work part-time. In addition to the specific qualifications and experience required for each profile as listed below, the group of Key Experts will be expected collectively:
  1. To have relevant expertise in the following domains: education system strengthening; quality, inclusive, gender sensitive education; policy dialogue and coordination in the field of education and skills; capacity development; education network development programmes; job market-oriented skills development programmes; learning mobility and higher education; youth leadership programmes.
  2. To be familiar with global and/or regional education initiatives, such as the Global Partnership for Education, Education Cannot Wait, Erasmus +, and AU and (sub-)regional education initiatives. Knowledge of and experience in such initiatives in the context of Sub-Saharan Africa will be considered an asset.
  3. To have a good knowledge of EU decision-making processes and procedures as well as EU development policies and EU aid modalities. Familiarity with Team Europe Initiatives / Team Europe Approach will be considered as an asset.
  Qualifications and skills required for the Higher Education specialist:
  • Qualifications and skills required: University degree in Education, Social sciences, Economics, International relations, Public policy or relevant equivalent discipline. A Master degree in Education or relevant equivalent discipline will be considered as an asset
  • At least 6 years – of which at least 2 year with developing countries – of professional experience covering higher education sector development, policies and support programmes including learning mobility activities.
  • At least 4 years of specific professional experienceb including in the following areas:
  1. National and international policies and strategies related to higher education in developing countries.
  2. EU/MS mobility and exchange programmes, in particular focusing on youth learning mobility in SSA.
  3. Experience in the management of Erasmus + projects in the field of capacity building of higher education and / or students mobility.
  • At least 6 years of project management experience in the framework of EU funded and/or international projects.
  • Proven knowledge of the European Commission and its development policies.
  • Proven experience in international education and skills development projects in SSA.
  • Proven experience in programme coordination will be considered as an asset.
  • Previous experience working with Services of the European Commission or similar assignments will be considered as an asset.
  • Proven Experience in Monitoring and Evaluation assignments in the framework of EU funded programmes will be considered as an asset.
  • Proven experience in organising and conducting workshops related to development programmes in the field of education will be considered as an asset.
  • Demonstrated experience in supporting the design and implementation of youth leadership, mentorship and traineeship programmes will be considered an asset.
  • Language skills: The expert must have excellent English language skills (writing, oral, communication, presentation) and at least intermediate French language skills.
  Indicative starting date of the assignment: 21/12/2022 Indicative end date: 21/12/2024 Duration of the assignment: 731 Day(s) Minimum number of working days: 432 days Location:
  • Normal place of posting of the specific assignment: Home-based
  • Mission(s) outside the normal place of posting and duration(s): Missions to Brussels and/ or beneficiary countries in SSA. Frequency: 4 to 6 times per year
For more information about this assignment you can download the ToR here: 02-TermsOfReference-SIEA-2018-14813 Interested experts are kindly requested to contact us and submit their CV at, before Thursday 27th of October at 16:00 hours CET, preferably in the following format: EU CV Template    

Job Features

Job CategoryExpired

For the Lot 4 EU Framework Contract, Cadena is immediately looking for Education specialists for the following mission: “T/A Identification MIP Education Programmes” – analysis, formulation ...

For the Lot 4 EU Framework Contract, Cadena is immediately looking for Education specialists for the following mission: “T/A Identification MIP Education Programmes” - analysis, formulation and management of regional education and skills development programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa - The global objective of this assignment is to support INTPA A2 with the analysis, formulation and management of EU regional cooperation projects and programmes in the field of education and skills in partner countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), funded under the regional MIP 2021-2027. The Key Experts may work home-based and must be able to take up their duties no later than 1st February 2023. The contract will have a duration of 24 months. The Higher education specialist will work full-time, while the Education specialist will work part-time. In addition to the specific qualifications and experience required for each profile as listed below, the group of Key Experts will be expected collectively:
  1. To have relevant expertise in the following domains: education system strengthening; quality, inclusive, gender sensitive education; policy dialogue and coordination in the field of education and skills; capacity development; education network development programmes; job market-oriented skills development programmes; learning mobility and higher education; youth leadership programmes.
  2. To be familiar with global and/or regional education initiatives, such as the Global Partnership for Education, Education Cannot Wait, Erasmus +, and AU and (sub-)regional education initiatives. Knowledge of and experience in such initiatives in the context of Sub-Saharan Africa will be considered an asset.
  3. To have a good knowledge of EU decision-making processes and procedures as well as EU development policies and EU aid modalities. Familiarity with Team Europe Initiatives / Team Europe Approach will be considered as an asset.
  Qualifications and skills required for the Education specialist:
  • Expert category: Cat. II (>6 years of experience)
  • University degree in Education, Social sciences, Economics, International relations, Public policy or relevant equivalent discipline. A Master degree in Education or relevant equivalent discipline will be considered as an asset.
  • At least 6 years of professional experience - of which at least 3 years with developing countries - covering education sector development, policies and support programs.
  • At least 3 years of specific professional experience including in the following areas:
  1. Advisory services to Ministries of Education in Sub-Saharan Africa on designing and implementing education reforms, strategies and programmes.
  2. Policies, programmes and processes of at least one major bilateral or multilateral development cooperation agency.
  • Demonstrated experience in supporting high-level decision-making and policy-making processes, preferably in the framework of the EU and/or bilateral/multilateral agencies.
  • Proven knowledge of the AU Continental Education Strategy for Africa 2016-2025 (CESA 16-25) and the work of its Clusters.
  • Proven familiarity with African education systems and African Union structures and strategies regarding education, as well as continental and regional networks and initiatives (UNESCO-IIEP, ADEA, etc.) will be considered as an asset.
  • Proven experience in supporting regional coordination networks and peer learning mechanisms in the field of education and/or skills development will be considered as an asset.
  • Proven experience in working with continental and regional policy platforms in the field of education and/or skills development will be considered as an asset.
  • Proven knowledge of the European Education Area and of the Open Method of Coordination will be considered as an asset.
  • Proven experience in capacity development of the AU Commission and the RECs will be considered as an asset.
  • Proven experience in organising and conducting workshops related to development programmes in the field of education will be considered as an asset.
  • Proven experience of international development projects related to skills development and formal and informal learning, in Sub-Saharan Africa, will be considered as an asset.
  • Language skills: The Expert must have excellent English language skills (writing, oral, communication, presentation) and at least intermediate French language skills.
  Indicative starting date of the assignment: 21/12/2022 Indicative end date: 21/12/2024 Duration of the assignment: 731 Day(s) Minimum number of working days: 288 days Location:
  • Normal place of posting of the specific assignment: Home-based
  • Mission(s) outside the normal place of posting and duration(s): Missions to Brussels and/ or beneficiary countries in SSA. Frequency: 4 to 6 times per year
For more information about this assignment you can download the ToR here: 02-TermsOfReference-SIEA-2018-14813 Interested experts are kindly requested to contact us and submit their CV at, before Thursday 27th of October at 16:00 hours CET, preferably in the following format: EU CV Template

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For the Lot 4 EU Framework Contract, Cadena is immediately looking for Education specialists for the following mission: “T/A Identification MIP Education Programmes” – analysis, formulation ...

Team leader and procurement specialist
Posted 2 years ago
For the Lot 4 EU Framework Contract, Cadena is immediately looking for a Team Leader and Procurement Specialist for a new assignment in Malawi titled “Supply Needs Assessment of the Second Phase of “Improving Secondary Education in Malawi” (ISEM II) Programme”. The overall objective of this assignment is to conduct an assessment of the selected 40 schools under ISEM I programme, focusing on their needs in terms of resources for teaching and learning, furniture and equipment and visit the 12 schools from ISEM I for which the lathe and shaper machines were removed. Assess whether these equipments are relevant for these schools and should be included in the tender for ISEM II. Qualifications and skills required for the Team Leader and procurement specialist who will be coordinating the mission and who will be in charge of the technical specifications for equipment and other supplies:
  • Expert category: Cat. II (>6 years of experience)
  • Bachelor's degree in procurement and other related areas
  • Strong analytical and drafting skills are required
  • Very good sense of integrity and teamwork
  • Knowledge on national rules and legislations related to procurement
  • Knowledge of technical education and general procurement in education sector
  • Experience working with the EU and preparing tender dossiers according to EU procedures
  • At least 6 years' experience in the procurement of education supplies
  • Experience in preparation of technical specifications for TVET equipment
  • At least one experience as Team Leader of a similar mission
  • Language skills: The experts must be fluent in English
  Indicative starting date of the assignment: 21/11/2022 Indicative end date: 21/11/2023 Duration of the assignment: 365 Day(s) Minimum number of working days: 50 Location:
  • Normal place of posting of the specific assignment: Lilongwe
  • Mission(s) outside the normal place of posting and duration(s): 30 days in the 12 ISEM II districts in Malawi (Rumphi, Mzimba North, Salima, Ntchisi Lilongwe East, Dedza, Zomba Rural, Chiradzulu, Blantyre Rural Mangochi Mulanje, Nsanje) and 8 ISEM I districts (Mzuzu, Mzimba, Lilongwe, Dedza, Blantyre, Thyolo, Mulanje and Zomba)
  For more information about this assignment you can download the ToR here: 02-TermsOfReference-SIEA-2018-12754 Interested experts are kindly requested to contact us and submit their CV at, before Monday, 10th of October at 12:00 hours CET, preferably in the following format: EU CV Template

Job Features

Job CategoryExpired

For the Lot 4 EU Framework Contract, Cadena is immediately looking for a Team Leader and Procurement Specialist for a new assignment in Malawi titled “Supply Needs Assessment of the Second Phase of ...

For the Lot 4 EU Framework Contract, Cadena is immediately looking for a Procurement Specialist for a new assignment in Malawi titled “Supply Needs Assessment of the Second Phase of “Improving Secondary Education in Malawi” (ISEM II) Programme”. The overall objective of this assignment is to conduct an assessment of the selected 40 schools under ISEM I programme, focusing on their needs in terms of resources for teaching and learning, furniture and equipment and visit the 12 schools from ISEM I for which the lathe and shaper machines were removed. Assess whether these equipments are relevant for these schools and should be included in the tender for ISEM II. Qualifications and skills required for the procurement specialist that will be in charge of the technical specifications for equipment and other supplies:
  • Expert category: Cat. II (>6 years of experience)
  • Bachelor's degree in procurement and other related areas
  • Strong analytical and drafting skills are required
  • Very good sense of integrity and teamwork
  • Knowledge on national rules and legislation related to procurement
  • Knowledge of technical education and general procurement in education sector
  • Experience preparing tender dossiers
  • At least 6 years' experience in the procurement of education supplies
  • Language skills: the expert must be fluent in English
  Indicative starting date of the assignment: 21/11/2022 Indicative end date: 21/11/2023 Duration of the assignment: 365 Day(s) Minimum number of working days: 43 Location:
  • Normal place of posting of the specific assignment: Lilongwe
  • Mission(s) outside the normal place of posting and duration(s): 30 days in the 12 ISEM II districts in Malawi (Rumphi, Mzimba North, Salima, Ntchisi Lilongwe East, Dedza, Zomba Rural, Chiradzulu, Blantyre Rural Mangochi Mulanje, Nsanje) and 8 ISEM I districts (Mzuzu, Mzimba, Lilongwe, Dedza, Blantyre, Thyolo, Mulanje and Zomba)
  For more information about this assignment you can download the ToR here: 02-TermsOfReference-SIEA-2018-12754 Interested experts are kindly requested to contact us and submit their CV at, before Monday, 10th of October at 12:00 hours CET, preferably in the following format: EU CV Template    

Job Features

Job CategoryExpired

For the Lot 4 EU Framework Contract, Cadena is immediately looking for a Procurement Specialist for a new assignment in Malawi titled “Supply Needs Assessment of the Second Phase of “Improving Sec...

For the Lot 4 EU Framework Contract, Cadena is immediately looking for a (Portuguese and English speaking) Evaluation Expert for a new assignment in Angola titled “Mid-term evaluation of the Higher Education Support Programme UNI.AO”. The Higher Education Support Programme – UNI.AO (13/12/2019 – 12/12-2024), its overall objective is to increase the economic diversification and the creation of employment in priority sectors. The evaluation will assess the intervention(s) using the six standard DAC evaluation criteria, namely: relevance, coherence, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability and perspectives of impact. In addition, the evaluation will assess the intervention(s) through an EU specific evaluation criterion, which is the EU added value. The evaluation process will be carried out in four phases: • Inception phase • Interim phase • Synthesis phase • Dissemination phase The main objectives of this evaluation assignment are to provide the relevant services of the European Union and the interested stakeholders with:
  • an overall independent assessment of the performance of the Higher Education Support Programme UNI.AO, paying particular attention to its different levels of results measured against its expected objectives; and the reasons underpinning such results;
  • key lessons learned, conclusions and related recommendations in order to improve current and future interventions.
  The minimum requirements covered by the team of experts as a whole are detailed below:
  • Qualifications and skills required for the team:
- post-graduate degree; - professional evaluation expertise; - higher education expertise; - excellent team-working skills; - knowledge of the Project Cycle Management; - demonstrable ability to effectively communicate and interact within a multicultural setting; - demonstrable knowledge of the Angolan context and institutional landscape
  • General professional experience of the team:
The evaluation team must have a cumulative experience of at least 5 years in the area of evaluation (of which at least a minimum of 3 successfully completed intervention-level or strategic evaluations), in the field of development cooperation, with solid experience in rigorous evaluation methods and techniques. This includes the capacity to adapt and use quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection and analysis. In addition, the evaluation team should have a demonstrable expertise in the area of higher education.
  • Specific professional experience of the team:
At least one of the experts must have demonstrable expertise in the area of higher education. Working experience in the area of higher education as professor and/or researcher in Sub-Saharan Africa will be considered an asset.
  • Language skills of the team:
both members of the team should have at least C1 level in Portuguese and at least B2 level in English.   Indicative starting date of the assignment: 20/10/2022 Indicative end date: 18/04/2023 Duration of the assignment: 180 Day(s) Minimum number of working days: 35 for each expert Location: normal place of posting of the specific assignment is Luanda, Angola. *Tentative mission(s) to one or two Angolan provinces to be decided inter alia at the end of the inception phase (two days duration) For more information about this assignment you can download the ToR here: 02-TermsOfReference-SIEA-2018-13614 Interested experts are kindly requested to contact us and submit their CV at, before Wednesday, 21 of September at 16:00 hours CET, preferably in the following format: EU CV Template

Job Features

Job CategoryExpired

For the Lot 4 EU Framework Contract, Cadena is immediately looking for a (Portuguese and English speaking) Evaluation Expert for a new assignment in Angola titled “Mid-term evaluation of the Higher ...

For the Request for Services “Final Evaluation of EU- Nepal Practical Partnership for Technical Vocational Education and Training reform (TVET- PP)” received under the EU framework Contract Lot 4, we are looking for a two evaluators (national/ international) Cat II. Expert category: Cat. II (>6 years of experience)Qualifications and skills required: A relevant University degree of at least Master's level or equivalent specific professional experience of at least thirteen years. • General professional experience: • At least 6 years solid and diversified experience of working in the area of skills development and human resource development/ economic development particular in the TVET sector (CBT, QA/ accreditation, curriculum development, assessment, public private partnership (PPP), policy reform ) • At least 7 years' experience in professional evaluation and should be well versed in evaluation methods and techniques; • At least 5 years professional experience of working in Asia, preferably in South Asia ( Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka) • Post graduate studies and/or specific training in subjects related to the assignment under this contract (TVET and Evaluation) will be considered an asset. • Specific professional experience: • At least 4 years' experience in Systemic Approaches to institutional (& organisational) development, reform, capacity building and change processes in the TVET sector in developing countries. • Experience of evaluating at least 5 TVET projects and 3 should be EU funded. • Experience of at least 3 Final Evaluation. • Language skills: • At least 1 member shall possess a level C1 expertise in English Language. • At least one member of the team should have good command over Nepali language. • All team member should have report writing skills along with good communication skill, adoptability and social awareness. More information about the assignment can be found in the Terms of Reference-SIEA-2018-13505 Interested and available consultants can contact us, and send their CV (preferably in the EU CV Template) to on or before Thursday 08 September noon.

Job Features

Job CategoryExpired
Start date23 October 2022
Working days35
Deadline08 September 2022

For the Request for Services “Final Evaluation of EU- Nepal Practical Partnership for Technical Vocational Education and Training reform (TVET- PP)” received under the EU framework Contract Lot 4,...

For the Request for Services "Final Evaluation of EU- Nepal Practical Partnership for Technical Vocational Education and Training reform (TVET- PP)" received under the EU framework Contract Lot 4, we are looking for a Team Leader (Cat I Expert). The Team Leader will be responsible for overall project implementation, coordination and supervision of the entire evaluation team during the evaluation missions. The Team Leader will be the primary point of contact for the EU Delegation, Reference group member, CTEVT & British Council. The Team Leader will have a primary role in all the expected results. • Qualifications and skills required: A relevant University degree of at least Master's level or equivalent specific professional experience of at least thirteen years. • General professional experience: • At least 12 years solid and diversified experience of working in the area of skills development and human resource development/ economic development particular in the TVET sector (CBT, QA/ accreditation, curriculum development, assessment, public private partnership (PPP), policy reform) • At least 10 years' experience in professional evaluation and should be well versed in evaluation methods and techniques; • At least ten years professional experience of working in Asia, preferably in South Asia ( Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka) • Post graduate studies and/or specific training in subjects related to the assignment under this contract (TVET and Evaluation) will be considered an asset. • Five years’ experience in project and human resources management, including planning, budgeting, disbursement and progress monitoring; • Specific professional experience: • At least 5 years' experience in Systemic Approaches to institutional (& organizational) development, reform, capacity building and change processes in the TVET sector in developing countries. • Experience of evaluating at least 7 TVET projects and 5 should be EU funded. • Experience of at least 5 Final Evaluations. • Language skills: • Level C1 expertise in English Language. More information about the assignment can be found in the Terms of Reference-SIEA-2018-13505 Interested and available consultants can contact us, and send their CV (preferably in the EU CV Template) to on or before Thursday 08 September noon.

Job Features

Job CategoryExpired
Start date23 Oct 2022
Working days30
Deadline08 Sept 2022

For the Request for Services “Final Evaluation of EU- Nepal Practical Partnership for Technical Vocational Education and Training reform (TVET- PP)” received under the EU framework Contrac...

Cadena IDP is shortlisted for Consulting Services for Support for Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Ghana a) Phase III: Center of Excellence (CoE) for Green Technologies and b) Phase IV: Ghana TVET Voucher Project. As such we expect to compile a team of long and short term experts, including;
  • Team Leader
  • TVET Grant/ Voucher Experts/ Managers
  • Procurement Experts (with knowledge of BMZ procedures and regulations)
  • Architects/ Construction Supervisors
  • TVET Equipment and Infrastructure Experts
  • IT Experts/ Managers
  • Competency-Based Education and Training experts (covering Mechanics and Plumbing / Piping, Electrics / Electronics, Mechatronics and Refrigeration, Green Technologies, Garment)
Interested consultants are already invited to share their CVs and/ or request additional information by sending an email to

Job Features

Job CategoryExpired

Cadena IDP is shortlisted for Consulting Services for Support for Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Ghana a) Phase III: Center of Excellence (CoE) for Green Technologies and b) Phase ...

Cadena IDP is shortlisted for the IsDB funded assignment "Curriculum Review and Development for selected Technical & Vocational Education & Training (TVET) Areas of Focus". The assignment will include the implementation of preliminary studies & concepts, development and/ or revision of curricula, teaching syllabi, instructor guides and assessment guides for electronics and telecommunications, textile development, agriculture mechanization (mini-grids etc.), tourism and hospitality, and mineral development. As such we are looking for subject matter experts in the above mentioned fields with the following qualifications and experience:
  • technical degree or higher diploma in his/her specific discipline
  • relevant work experience (in industry, TVET delivery and/or other relevant area)
  • excellent track record in carrying out assignments of similar nature (curriculum development)
  • good understanding of the BTVET sub-sector reform process in Uganda
  • excellent communication skills, analytical report writing skills, and access to local/regional/international TVET networks.
  • capacity to provide both pre and post curriculum development technical support
More information can be found in the TOR Curriculum Review Uganda Interested and eligible consultants are invited to send their CV to on or before 12 September 2023

Job Features

Job CategoryExpired
Start dateNovember 2022
Duration20 months
Field missionsvarious short term missions

Cadena IDP is shortlisted for the IsDB funded assignment “Curriculum Review and Development for selected Technical & Vocational Education & Training (TVET) Areas of Focus”. The ass...