Job Opportunities

Cadena has a strong reputation for being a reliable consulting company. On average we have 40-60 experts working in the field. While we are also part of the EU Framework Contract Lot 4 (Human Development and Safety Net) we are often looking for a wide variety of expertise for countries all over the world. These vacancies, as well as those for other tenders and projects are published below. If you are interested in one of the below job opportunities, you can send an email to, including the indicated reference number of the job opportunity and enclose your resume in the recommended CV format.


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Cadena is one of a number of consultants shortlisted to ‘Support the Implementation of an Economic Inclusion Program’ under the ‘ Pathways to Sustainable Livelihoods Project,’ funded by the World Bank. The selected consultant will implement and oversee among others: - Communication/PR; - Economic and social inclusion activities; - Training/capacity building; - Facilitation of community/village savings and loans groups/associations; - Cash investment grants to young entrepreneurs/start-ups (micro entreprises); - Productive services and mentoring/coaching   These services will be rendered to the Ministry of Gender, Youth, Sports, Culture, Arts and Social Development (MoGYSCA&SD) (the Kingdom of Lesotho) with the aim to improve human capital and the self-sufficiency of poor and vulnerable households and individuals in selected geographical areas (to approximately 10,000 targeted beneficiaries). In this context, Cadena is immediately looking for a Specialist Local Entrepreneurship with the following qualifications and skills: - a minimum of 5 years of experience in Lesotho in training, counseling, business development support and access to market. - at least a Bachelor's or Master's degree in Business Administration and Management or in a related field.   Place of posting: Lesotho (multiple missions) Indicative starting date of the assignment: June 2023 Indicative end date: June 2026 Duration of the project: 36 months Estimated workload:  24 man-months (spread over 36 months) For more information about this assignment you can download the ToR here: TOR Economic Inclusion Final Version   Interested experts are kindly requested to contact us and submit their CV at, before or on Friday, April 7, 2023 and preferably in the following format: WB CV format  

Job Features

Job CategoryExpired

Cadena is one of a number of consultants shortlisted to ‘Support the Implementation of an Economic Inclusion Program’ under the ‘ Pathways to Sustainable Livelihoods Project,’ funded by the Wo...

Cadena is one of a number of consultants shortlisted to ‘Support the Implementation of an Economic Inclusion Program’ under the ‘ Pathways to Sustainable Livelihoods Project,’ funded by the World Bank. The selected consultant will implement and oversee among others: - Communication/PR; - Economic and social inclusion activities; - Training/capacity building; - Facilitation of community/village savings and loans groups/associations; - Cash investment grants to young entrepreneurs/start-ups (micro entreprises); - Productive services and mentoring/coaching   These services will be rendered to the Ministry of Gender, Youth, Sports, Culture, Arts and Social Development (MoGYSCA&SD) (the Kingdom of Lesotho) with the aim to improve human capital and the self-sufficiency of poor and vulnerable households and individuals in selected geographical areas (to approximately 10,000 targeted beneficiaries). In this context, Cadena is immediately looking for a Specialist Community Developer with the following qualifications and skills: - a minimum of 5 years’ experience in training, mentoring, facilitating and supporting youth and/or community members, preferably in sub-Saharan Africa. - at minimum a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in social science or in a related field.   Place of posting: Lesotho (multiple missions) Indicative starting date of the assignment: June 2023 Indicative end date: June 2026 Duration of the project: 36 months Estimated workload:  24 man-months (spread over 36 months) For more information about this assignment you can download the ToR here: TOR Economic Inclusion Final Version   Interested experts are kindly requested to contact us and submit their CV at, before or on Friday, April 7, 2023 and preferably in the following format: WB CV format  

Job Features

Job CategoryExpired

Cadena is one of a number of consultants shortlisted to ‘Support the Implementation of an Economic Inclusion Program’ under the ‘ Pathways to Sustainable Livelihoods Project,’ funded by the Wo...

Cadena is one of a number of consultants shortlisted to ‘Support the Implementation of an Economic Inclusion Program’ under the ‘ Pathways to Sustainable Livelihoods Project,’ funded by the World Bank. The selected consultant will implement and oversee among others: - Communication/PR; - Economic and social inclusion activities; - Training/capacity building; - Facilitation of community/village savings and loans groups/associations; - Cash investment grants to young entrepreneurs/start-ups (micro entreprises); - Productive services and mentoring/coaching   These services will be rendered to the Ministry of Gender, Youth, Sports, Culture, Arts and Social Development (MoGYSCA&SD) (the Kingdom of Lesotho) with the aim to improve human capital and the self-sufficiency of poor and vulnerable households and individuals in selected geographical areas (to approximately 10,000 targeted beneficiaries). In this context, Cadena is immediately looking for a Project Manager (i.e. Team Leader) with the following qualifications and skills: -  at minimum 10 to 15 years of experience in economic inclusion programs and/or training of youth or entrepreneurs, and/or coaching and mentoring as part of community development preferably in sub-Saharan Africa. - at minimum a Master’s degree in economics or social sciences or in a related field.   Place of posting: Lesotho (multiple missions) Indicative starting date of the assignment: June 2023 Indicative end date: June 2026 Duration of the project: 36 months Estimated workload:  12 man-months (spread over 36 months) For more information about this assignment you can download the ToR here: TOR Economic Inclusion Final Version   Interested experts are kindly requested to contact us and submit their CV at, before Friday, April 7, 2023 and preferably in the following format: WB CV format  

Job Features

Job CategoryExpired

Cadena is one of a number of consultants shortlisted to ‘Support the Implementation of an Economic Inclusion Program’ under the ‘ Pathways to Sustainable Livelihoods Project,’ funded by the Wo...

Expert égalité de genre et autonomisation des femmes
Central African Republic
Posted 1 year ago
Expert égalité de genre et autonomisation des femmes:
  • Catégorie de l’expert : Cat. II (>6 années d'expérience)
  • Qualifications et compétences : Au moins un Master (BAC+5) en Relations internationales ou Sciences économiques ou Sciences politiques ou Coopération au développement ou un autre domaine pertinent. Une spécialisation académique en genre est un atout.
  • Expérience professionnelle générale : Au moins 6 ans d'expérience professionnelle sur une ou plusieurs des thématiques suivantes : accès aux services sociaux de base des groupes de personnes vulnérables, promotion de l’égalité de genre et autonomisation des femmes, prévention et lutte contre les violences basées sur le genre, lutte contre la traite des êtres humains, droits de santé sexuelle et reproductive, femmes paix et sécurité.
  • Expérience professionnelle spécifique : L'expert(e) doit avoir une expérience avérée récente en élaboration de au moins 2 documents d’action pour la Commission européenne en matière de genre dans les contextes d’urgence et/ou développement.
  • Nombre minimum de jours travaillés : 30 jours - L'expert(e) travaillera au moins 15 jours à Bangui (République centrafricaine)
      More detailed information can be obtained from the Terms of Reference Interested and available experts can share there CVs, preferably in EUCV_Template (FR)on or before Monday 20/03 12.00 to

Job Features

Job CategoryExpired
LocationCentral African Republic
Start datemid- April
Durationone month

Expert égalité de genre et autonomisation des femmes: Catégorie de l’expert : Cat. II (>6 années d’expérience) Qualifications et compétences : Au moins un Master (BAC+5) en Relations ...

Expert principal nº 4: Spécialiste en modélisation financière
  • Qualifications et compétences
  • Diplôme universitaire supérieur, niveau Master au minimum, en économie, et/ou sciences de gestion, et/ou ingénierie, et/ou sciences politiques et/ou sciences sociales, ou tout diplôme équivalent et pertinent par rapport aux objectifs de l’étude.
  • Expérience professionnelle générale
  • Une expérience professionnelle de 12 ans minimum, dont au moins 10 ans dans la réalisation d’études de modélisation financière.
  • Expérience professionnelle spécifique
  • Au moins 1 expérience dans la définition et mise en oeuvre de réformes sociales et/ou de programmes d’appui social;
  • Au moins une expérience à l'international, dans des pays en développement et/ou émergents comme atout;
  • Au moins 1 expérience dans la conception et déploiement de stratégies de politiques publiques ;
  • Au moins une expérience dans le domaine de modélisation financière à l'international, dans des pays en développement et/ou émergents comme atout.
More detailed information can be obtained from the Terms of Reference Interested and available experts can share there CVs, preferably in EU CV_Template (FR) on or before Tuesday 21/03 12.00 to

Job Features

Job CategoryExpired
Working-daysApprox. 60
Duration12 months
Start date15/05/2023

Expert principal nº 4: Spécialiste en modélisation financière Qualifications et compétences Diplôme universitaire supérieur, niveau Master au minimum, en économie, et/ou sciences de gestion, e...

Expert principal nº 3: Spécialiste en politiques sociales
  • Qualifications et compétences
  • Diplôme universitaire supérieur, niveau Master au minimum, en économie, et/ou sciences de gestion, et/ou ingénierie, et/ou sciences politiques et/ou sciences sociales, ou tout diplôme équivalent et pertinent par rapport aux objectifs de l’étude.
  • Expérience professionnelle générale
  • Une expérience professionnelle de 12 ans minimum, dont au moins 10 ans dans le domaine des politiques sociales.
  • Expérience professionnelle spécifique
  • Au moins 2 expériences dans la conception et/ou mise en oeuvre de politiques sociales;
  • Une expérience dans la conception et/ou mise en oeuvre de politiques sociales auprès des populations vulnérables comme un atout.
More detailed information can be obtained from the Terms of Reference Interested and available experts can share there CVs, preferably in EU CV_Template (FR) on or before Tuesday 21/03 12.00 to

Job Features

Job CategoryExpired
Working-daysApprox. 60
Duration12 months
Start date15/05/2023

Expert principal nº 3: Spécialiste en politiques sociales Qualifications et compétences Diplôme universitaire supérieur, niveau Master au minimum, en économie, et/ou sciences de gestion, et/ou i...

Expert principal nº 2 : Spécialiste en études économiques et de marché
  • Qualifications et compétences
  • Diplôme universitaire supérieur, niveau Master au minimum, en économie, et/ou sciences de gestion, et/ou ingénierie, et/ou sciences politiques et/ou sciences sociales, ou tout diplôme équivalent et pertinent par rapport aux objectifs de l’étude.
  • Expérience professionnelle générale
  • Une expérience professionnelle de 12 ans minimum, dont au moins 8 ans dans la réalisation d’études économiques, de marché et de benchmarking
  • Expérience professionnelle spécifique
  • Au moins 1 expérience dans la définition et mise en oeuvre de réformes sociales et/ou de programmes d’appui social;
  • Au moins une expérience à l'international, dans des pays en développement et/ou émergents comme atout.
  • Au moins 3 expériences dans la conception et déploiement de stratégies de politiques publiques;
  • Au moins 2 expériences dans l'organisation et la conduite des Focus-group ;
  • Au moins une expérience dans le domaine d’études de marché à l'international, dans des pays en développement et/ou émergents comme atout.
More detailed information can be obtained from the Terms of Reference Interested and available experts can share there CVs, preferably in EU CV_Template (FR) on or before Tuesday 21/03 12.00 to

Job Features

Job CategoryExpired
Working-daysApprox. 60
Duration12 months
Starting date15/05/2023

Expert principal nº 2 : Spécialiste en études économiques et de marché Qualifications et compétences Diplôme universitaire supérieur, niveau Master au minimum, en économie, et/ou sciences de ...

Expert principal nº 1: Chef d’équipe:
  • Qualifications et compétences
  • Diplôme universitaire supérieur, niveau Master au minimum, en économie, et/ou sciences de gestion, et/ou ingénierie, et/ou sciences politiques et/ou sciences sociales, ou tout diplôme équivalent et pertinent par rapport aux objectifs de l’étude.
  • Expérience professionnelle générale
  • Une expérience professionnelle de 12 ans minimum, dont au moins 10 ans dans le conseil, le pilotage et la gestion de projets / travaux d’études stratégiques.
  • Expérience professionnelle spécifique
  •  Au moins 1 expérience dans la définition et mise en oeuvre de réformes sociales et/ou de programmes d’appui social;
  • Au moins 3 expériences dans la conception et déploiement de stratégies de politiques publiques;
  • Au moins 2 expériences dans la conception et/ou le développement et/ou mise en oeuvre des stratégies et des plans de communication, dont une partie à l'international, dans des pays en développement et/ou émergents;
  • Au moins 1 expérience dans la communication institutionnelle et/ou communication sur des projets/réformes du secteur public
More detailed information can be obtained from the Terms of Reference Interested and available experts can share there CVs, preferably in EU CV_Template (FR) on or before Tuesday 21/03 12.00 to

Job Features

Job CategoryExpired
Working-daysApprox. 80
Duration12 months
Starting date15/05/2023

Expert principal nº 1: Chef d’équipe: Qualifications et compétences Diplôme universitaire supérieur, niveau Master au minimum, en économie, et/ou sciences de gestion, et/ou ingénierie, et/ou ...

Health Care and Pharmaceutical Expert
Posted 1 year ago
This assignment is part of the World Bank funded Ghana Jobs and Skills Project (GJSP). For the “Consultancy Services for the Development of Competency-based Training Packages for Twenty-three (23) Trades,” Cadena is looking for a Health Care and Pharmaceutical  Expert with the following qualifications and skills:
  • Master’s degree in the relevant sector trade specialisation. A professional qualification in specific trade clusters would be an advantage
  • At least five (5) years of experience in curriculum development in TVET sector. Experience in CBT facilitation would be an advantage
  • At least ten (10) years of experience working on skills development in specific sector
  • Demonstrate in-depth understanding of current and emerging trends and occupations within the specific sector
  • Extensive knowledge of the TVET Sector in Ghana
  • Proven knowledge and expertise in ICT applications in education and training
  • Fluency in English
  Indicative starting date of the assignment: May 2023 For more information about this assignment you can download the ToR here: TOR Ghana CBET Interested experts are kindly requested to contact us and submit their CV at , before Wednesday 1st of March and preferably in the following format: WB CV format  

Job Features

Job CategoryExpired

This assignment is part of the World Bank funded Ghana Jobs and Skills Project (GJSP). For the “Consultancy Services for the Development of Competency-based Training Packages for Twenty-three (23) T...

This assignment is part of the World Bank funded Ghana Jobs and Skills Project (GJSP). For the “Consultancy Services for the Development of Competency-based Training Packages for Twenty-three (23) Trades,” Cadena is looking for a Beauty, Hair and Makeup Expert with the following qualifications and skills:
  • Master’s degree in the relevant sector trade specialisation. A professional qualification in specific trade clusters would be an advantage
  • At least five (5) years of experience in curriculum development in TVET sector. Experience in CBT facilitation would be an advantage
  • At least ten (10) years of experience working on skills development in specific sector
  • Demonstrate in-depth understanding of current and emerging trends and occupations within the specific sector
  • Extensive knowledge of the TVET Sector in Ghana
  • Proven knowledge and expertise in ICT applications in education and training
  • Fluency in English
  Indicative starting date of the assignment: May 2023 For more information about this assignment you can download the ToR here: TOR Ghana CBET Interested experts are kindly requested to contact us and submit their CV at , before Wednesday 1st of March and preferably in the following format: WB CV format

Job Features

Job CategoryExpired

This assignment is part of the World Bank funded Ghana Jobs and Skills Project (GJSP). For the “Consultancy Services for the Development of Competency-based Training Packages for Twenty-three (23) T...