Cadena has started the train-the-trainer programme at the Booker Washington Institute (BWI) in Kakata, Liberia. For the next four weeks, two of our key experts will train 15 BWI TVET Instructors as well as 10 BWI Managers. The training of the two groups will be partially combined to ensure that also management fully understands the concept of Competence Based Education and Training (CBET), allowing them to fully support the instructors that will
roll-out the newly developed CBET curricula.  The training will be hands-on, with a focus on CBET, entrepreneurial skills, and assessment methods (also covering assessment of internships and on-the-job training). The first training week is now concluded and positive feedback was received. We even received the request to extend the training to some of the Ministry of Youth and Sports staff!

In the meantime…. The tracer surveys are ongoing and the MIS system for the Ministry of Youth and Sports is almost ready. And…our team also continued to work with students of the University of Liberia. It is anticipated that mid-July more than 150 graduates have received the Employability Skills Training, and over 900 have attended the Job Readiness and Career Seminars organized by Cadena on behalf of the AfDB funded YEEP project!