by cadena | May 12, 2021
The global objective of this mission is to (a) evaluate the EU funded Somalia Education Sector Support Programme (SESSP) by, mapping results, identifying constraints, lessons learned and analysing cost effectiveness, value for money and administrative costs across the...
by cadena | Sep 1, 2022
Cadena IDP is shortlisted for the GIZ tender “Promoting Employment and Entrepreneurship in Turkana West”. The assignment covers output 2 which aims to improve the access of young people to target group-oriented employment promoting qualification measures....
by cadena | Dec 5, 2023
For the Lot 4 EU Framework Contract, Cadena is immediately looking for a Team Leader for the following mission: “Technical Assistance to identify European on-line courses for Eritrean students” The main objective of this mission is to increase knowledge of the youth...
by cadena | Apr 22, 2021
For the Lot 4 EU Framework Contract Cadena is immediately looking for a Team Leader (Cat I) for the new mission “ AT a la Unidad Técnica del Gabinete Social (UTGS) para el fortalecimiento de sus funciones de coordinación técnica y operativa e implementación del...