by cadena | Sep 19, 2019
For the Lot 4 EU Framework Contract we are currently looking for an expert in intern-university relations and exchange (Cat III) for the new mission: ‘Promotion du Programme ERASMUS+ et renforcement du partenariat entre les Universités Publiques du Togo (UPT)...
by cadena | Apr 22, 2021
For the Lot 4 EU Framework Contract Cadena is immediately looking for a Team Leader (Cat I) for the new mission “ AT a la Unidad Técnica del Gabinete Social (UTGS) para el fortalecimiento de sus funciones de coordinación técnica y operativa e implementación del...
by cadena | Apr 15, 2021
We are happy to announce that Cadena idp is shortlisted for another EASTRIP project! The goal of this particular EASTRIP project is to develop a sustainable TVET financing strategy, including legal, institutional, organizational frameworks and operational...
by cadena | Nov 15, 2021
L´objectif général de cette mission est de contribuer à la mise en oeuvre du Partenariat entre l’Union européenne et le Royaume du Maroc dans le secteur de l’enseignement supérieur et la recherche et l’innovation. L’objectif spécifique est de procéder à...
by cadena | Aug 9, 2022
For the EU FWC assignment “Vocational Education and Training sector analysis and formulation of EU support to the sector in Mozambique” we are looking for a National VET and employment specialist (Cat II) to support the implementation of: Analysis of the VET and the...