In December 2019 Cadena has signed a contract with UNICEF Zimbabwe for the above mentioned consultancy assignment. Preliminary work has been done in December and the full team now started in the field to support the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education (MoPSE) by completing the, amongst others, following tasks:

  • Conducting  an Education Sector Analysis (ESA), based on the regulatory framework of the national education system, following the methodological guidelines for the ESA established by the GPE;
  • Preparing the Zimbabwe Education Sector Strategic Plan (2021-2025), including financial modelling and a costed 2-year National Operational Plan and based on the analysis of the education sector as well as changes in the education sector as a result of external and internal factors such as economy and technological innovation;
  • Build the capacity of Country Technical Team (CTT), as well as other MoPSE staff in strengthening education sector analysis and strategic planning

We are pleased that we are selected to assist the Ministry with these tasks and expect to finalize all elements of the assignment in November 2020.