March 2013

March 2013

 In addition to the turn key project development activities, Cadena’s starts to actively participate in the international tender business. As such, the company expands the TVET consultancy to West-Africa.
July 2012

July 2012

Cadena continues to expand its activities in the Southern African region, and Agriculture TVET is added to the company’s portfolio.
June 2010

June 2010

The successful design of the turn-key TVET project in Kenya results in the implementation of technical assistance and (teacher) training components in East Africa
Januari 2008

Januari 2008

Establishment of Cadena for the development of turn-key projects, mainly in the MENA region. Key activities revolve around the design of technical vocational education and training projects, and the formation of consortia for the implementation phases.
2018 and Beyond

2018 and Beyond

The company further expands its presence in the education and training sector world-wide, as a partner of a successful consortium for the implementation of the EU Framework Contract Services for the Implementation of External Aid 2018 for lot 4 Human development:...